We’ve curated hundreds of halloween songs over the years. Find collections here organized by theme then build your own playlist using your favorite music service.
Scarecrows are often seen as quintessentially autumn standing guard over fields either as a friendly helper to farmers or ominous foe to crows. The scarecrow is also an archetype- a deprived soul, hollow and never able to indulge in the harvest. Here we’ve compiled a list of songs that use scarecrow imagery in the lyrics. The list includes rock songs evoking horror movie themes as well as serious ballads with social and political messages. Take the playlist as a time for thoughtful reflection as we enter into fall and consider how the enduring image of the scarecrow shapes our musical stories.
Note: may contain profanity and adult themes
Note: may contain profanity and adult themes
Note: may contain profanity and adult themes
Note: may contain profanity and adult themes
Note: may contain profanity and adult themes
Note: some tracks contain profanity and adult references.
Note: some tracks contain profanity and adult references.