This SCARY easy three ingredient vegan recipe serves as a delicious emergency party dip

orange colored dip in a black ramekin in front of pita points


1.5 pounds butternut squash (3 cups cubed)

1 cup cooked cannellini beans

2-3 Tablespoons coconut oil

Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 400° F. Peel and cube the butternut squash. Remove the seeds and set aside. Place the cubed squash in a glass baking dish along with two tablespoons of coconut oil and a sprinkle of salt. Roast for approximately 45 minutes until squash is extremely tender tossing halfway through baking. Meanwhile, rinse the seeds under water to remove any pulp and pat dry. Add them to a baking sheet with a small drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of salt. Add seeds to oven with the squash during the last 10 minutes of baking tossing as needed to cook evenly. Allow squash to cool then transfer to food processor. Drain and rinse the beans then add to the food processor with the squash. Puree until smooth drizzling in additional oil or water if too thick. Taste and season with salt. Top with roasted seeds.

This dip is a great base recipe that can be scaled and customized as desired. Try sprinkling in cumin and paprika for a savory version or brown sugar and cinnamon for a sweet version; sub in different types of winter squash or beans; spice things up and make it your own . Here I served it with a zaatar crusted pita so simplicity was best.

P.S. My seeds stayed in the oven too long while I was distracted taking blog photos and got a little charred on the edges here. I recommend a slightly lighter color on the seeds.

Overhead view of butternut squash dip with pita triangles

Harvest Moon Witches’ Feast
